Coffee cart ministry serves up love

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Yuba-Sutter Corps Officer Captain Thomas Stambaugh greets a visitor to the coffee cart.           Photo by Chaya Galicia
Yuba-Sutter Corps Officer Captain Thomas Stambaugh greets a visitor to the coffee cart. Photo by Chaya Galicia

Yuba-Sutter Corps reaches out to people seeking help.

When warm weather arrived, members of The Salvation Army Yuba-Sutter (Calif.) Corps began taking their coffee cart outside so they could greet people lining up for social services with a hot drink or a bottle of water in Jesus’ name.

In addition to coffee and water, Corps Officers Captains Thomas and Kimberly Stambaugh use the interaction at the coffee cart as an opportunity to tell people the good news of the gospel and promote the various ministries of their church community.

The staff is trained to reach out to those who come to the Army for social services in a practical manner. And, since many of the staff were once on the receiving end of those services—from a food box, to help with a utility bill, or access to transitional housing or addiction services—they’re delighted to give back.

According to Stambaugh, the coffee cart ministry is an important goal of the corps. “It helps break down barriers between the staff and those we serve by showing people that we’re serious about caring for their needs,” he said.

The Stambaughs used a similar coffee cart in their other assignments in Vallejo and San Rafael, Calif., with the same goal in mind.

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