Territorial Camping Conference a Hit

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By Captain Ronda Gilger – 

The first Territorial Salvation Army Camping Conference became a reality when camp administrators and divisional youth secretaries met recently under the leadership of Territorial Youth Secretary Major Rudy Hedgren.

All were in for a whirlwind of relevant topics integrated with ministry issues. Networking was of great value, with the trends seen in Christian camping relating to specific camps sure to change the strategies of the future.

Ed Covert, administrator of Camp Arnold at Timberlake, said, “We’re living out what was laid before us by those who faithfully set the vision some 20 years ago. We all need to stop…to remember those who made the difference in the lives of so many who have been touched by the ministry of Salvation Army camping.”

Dave Bentley, administrator of Camp Mt. Crags/Camp Gilmore, remarked, “This has been a long time in coming. There will be recommendations made that will lift our standards to an even greater degree around the territory. ”

The business/ministry of Christian camping has been raised to a professional level, with more requirements and more fiscal responsibilities than at any time before.

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