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Crestmont honors Weaver at Dinner Theater

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Beloved characters from TV land of yesterday sparkled onstage at Crestmont College recently, as cadets presented the annual “Dinner Theater” fundraiser to benefit World Services and the college.

The “Honeymooners,” “Brady Bunch,” “Home Improvement,” “Star Trek,” “Jeopardy,” and other familiar spots brought back fond memories for guests during three full Saturday performances of the original cadet-written and produced musical revue. Mock TV centerpieces and meals served on TV trays completed the nostalgic theme.

“The show was a tremendous success, primarily because of the teamwork,” said Cadet Director Jennifer Schapals, who came to Crestmont from the San Francisco Harbor Light Center’s Lighthouse Corps.

The Friday night audience enjoyed a shortened version of the musical to allow for the presentation of the Army’s prestigious “Others” Award. Special guest Commissioner Linda Bond joined Crestmont President/Principal Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock to honor local resident and Crestmont board member Ruberta Weaver with the award. Bond praised citizens like Weaver who work tirelessly for their communities.

“I always thought that in my retirement I would most enjoy my free time,” she said. “Now I know that in retirement I want to be just like Ruberta Weaver.”

Weaver, whose history of dedication to others spans much of the twentieth century, has served The Salvation Army Crestmont College since 1995, and devotes countless hours to other causes, many associated with education. She is included in the 4th edition of World’s Who’s Who of Women.

“The best job of all has been to serve the educational needs of Crestmont College,” Weaver told the 300 guests and the four generations of her family who were present.

“It is from a college like this that a young Salvation Army officer, only one month on the job, was able to organize 5,000 volunteers at ground zero on 9/11 to give immediate and meaningful service. The officers being trained at Crestmont have come to realize that service to God and to others is the true path to a fulfilling life.”

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