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Youth events at Commissioning

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The 2008 Commissioning festivities¾to be held June 15-17¾is not only a time for soldiers, officers, friends and family to commemorate the anointing of the God’s Fellow Workers Session of cadets, it is also a time for youth of the Western Territory to celebrate Salvation Army culture.

A range of youth events is scheduled for commissioning weekend.

Bible Bowl is already underway as teams from around the territory compete to be crowned the 2008 champion. This year teams are studying Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. On Friday afternoon, teams from all 10 divisions will be represented at the Crestmont competition rounds. On Saturday morning, the final rounds will take place at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts. Come cheer for your division’s team!

Stop by the youth department’s booth in the Cerritos lobby for information on Western Youth Institute, Western Music Institute, Revolution Hawaii, Revolution Micronesia, and Service Corps.

Celebrations won’t end at dusk. The Friday late night activity will feature Christian comedian Carlos Oscar. Oscar was born in New York and raised in Los Angeles and has been seen on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, the Latino Laugh Festival, Life Service Conference, and at local comedy clubs including the Ice House and the Laugh Factory. Be there for food, friends and plenty of laughs.

On Saturday night, the Sheraton Hotel will become home to a coffee house for Army youth to reconnect with friends. Come enjoy the music, coffee and dessert.

Parents can request childcare on the Commissioning ticket order form for children 11 and under. Little ones will enjoy games and activities so their parents can benefit from the services. Forms are due by May 19.

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