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Western Youth Institute Challenges and Motivates More Than 200

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by Kevin White – 

Camp Arnold, NW Division ­ “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7)

That was the call as just over 200 delegates and staff converged on Camp Arnold in the Northwest Division for the 1999 Western Youth Institute. It was indeed a special week, for not only was it the 10th anniversary of WYI, but those in attendance witnessed and experienced one of the greatest outpourings of the Holy Spirit many of us had ever seen at such an event.

“BEAUTIFUL FEET” was indeed an appropriate theme for the week. Through an assortment of fantastic speakers, everyone was challenged to have beautiful feet for God. “We were taken to the mountain top to meet with Jesus…We were challenged to be the people of God…We covenanted with God to wake up…equip ourselves for battle…and enter the fight against sin in our world through the blood and fire.” – Major Judy Hedgren (ATYS).

Special guests for WYI ’99 were Captains Stephen Court and Danielle Strickland. With their unique “in your face” style of speaking, they challenged and motivated everyone to stop making excuses in their Christian walks and to get out there and do it! They reminded us that God is calling us all to get up and touch people in his name, not to just sit back and wait for others to take action.

Their impact through the week was displayed radically when on one afternoon over 50 delegates joined them for a door-to-door neighborhood visitation in the local city of Puyallup. The exciting news is that at least one person gave their life to God during that visitation and many others were open to the sharing of God’s word.

The next day marked a significant place in WYI history as the entire WYI delegation “invaded” Pioneer Park in downtown Puyallup for a festival of praise, which turned out to be a festival of outreach! During the festival, delegates and staff shared with those at the park, young and old, and six more people gave their hearts to God. Our God Reigns! What an awesome experience!

According to Major Rudy Hedgren, territorial youth secretary, “This year’s Western Youth Institute was the most Inspirational, Equipping and Empowering youth event that I have ever experienced. The Holy Spirit did a mighty work in the lives of the delegates and leaders, which I believe is going to spark a revival among the young people of the Western Territory. Praise the Lord!”

Obviously so much happened at WYI that it is impossible to cover here in one short article. Make sure you get a copy of the next HomePage for a more detailed account of “Beautiful Feet.” Also, Acts Chapter 2 gives a Biblical account of what took place.

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