Commissioning: West acknowledges officers for long service

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Congratulations to the long-serving Western Territory officers recognized during the 2019 Commissioning weekend as follows:

Long Service Order recipients Lt. Col Lani Chamness (30 years) and Major Angeline Sholin (35 years) perform “There is a Message” at the Long Service Luncheon on June 8th, 2019.

25 Years

Major John Brackenbury             

Major Debora Donini                   

Major Katina M. Hanson             

Major Kevin E. Jackson                

Major Linda Jackson                    

Major Charity J. Kramerius          

Major Richard G. Larson              

Major Tammy Larson                   

Major Adam Morales                   

Major Mark A. Nelson                 

Major Noelle Nelson

Major Cherilee Ramsey

Major Kevin V. Ray

Major Tammy Ray

Major Carlos Rodriguez

Major Rosa Rodriguez

Major Khampaeng Saengthasy

Major Khamsaveuy Saengthasy

Major Sabrina Tumey

Major Frederick P. Wong

Major Ray Yant


30 Years

Major Brian T. Bearchell              

Major Mildred Bearchell             

Lt. Colonel John M. Chamness    

Lt. Colonel Lani Chamness           

Major Lola M. Davis                     

Major Linda D. Harmon               

Major Edward Markham

Lt. Colonel Magali Pardo

Lt. Colonel Zoilo B. Pardo

Major Kyle S. Trimmer

Major Martha Trimmer

Major Julio A. Vasquez

Major Karen Vasquez


35 Years

Lt. Colonel Veronica L. Danielson

Lt. Colonel Joan Doughty             

Lt. Colonel Victor R. Doughty      

Major Donald B. Gilger

Major Ronda Gilger

Major Randy Mulch

Major Harryette Raihl

Major Angeline Sholin


40 Years

Major Evelyn Chavez                   

Major Deborah Hood                  

Major Kenneth E. Hood

Major Gwendolyn L. Jones

Major Debi Shrum

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