The Walmart store in Clearlake, near Sacramento, Calif., presented a check of $30,000 from the Walmart Foundation to The Salvation Army Aug. 25 for the Clayton Fire recovery in Lake County. The contribution will benefit any immediate needs and long-term assistance services in the affected area.
“The Salvation Army does a tremendous job of responding to the needs in our community,” said Travis Peck, Clearlake Walmart store manager. “We are proud to support their efforts to address residents’ immediate needs of food, hydration, shelter support, supplies as well as their long-term disaster based social service case management program that helps families affected by the wildfires rebuild and reestablish their lives.”
This is the second significant donation The Salvation Army has received from Walmart since the start of the Clayton Fire response. Last week, the Clearlake Walmart store also donated multiple boxes of non-perishable and perishable food items and beverages.
“We absolutely appreciate the incredible generosity shown by the Walmart Foundation and the Clearlake Walmart store,” said Major Ivan Wild, Divisional Commander of The Salvation Army Del Oro Division. “Time and time again Walmart has shown a heart to give back to the community. I’m sure this donation will go a long way to helping so many families who have been affected by the recent fire damage.”
Currently, Salvation Army staff is providing case work at the Local Assistance Center in Lower Lake. Since last week, more than 200 Lake County residents have applied and have been assisted with immediate needs inquiries.