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Vilens Enter Honored Retirement

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Major Dale and Olga Vilen (R)
Majors Dale and Olga Vilen recently entered retirement after serving in the West since 1971. Dale Vilen grew up in Lancaster, Minn., and met The Salvation Army in Grand Forks, N. Dak. at the age of 19. After serving in the U.S. Army as a gunner during the Korean War, he entered the Chicago Training College in June 1955. He served as a single officer in St. Paul and Bemidji, Minn., and Valley City, N.Dak.

Olga Caruk grew up in Saskatchewan, Canada, and met the Army while in high school. She graduated from the Army’s Grace Hospital in Winnipeg before entering the Chicago Training College. Commissioned in 1953, she served as a nurse at the Home and Hospital in Wichita, Kan., and St. Paul, Minn. for six years before her marriage to Dale in 1959.

Together, they served for 10 more years in Minnesota before moving west. Their entire 25 years of service in this territory have been in the Cascade Division, with appointments in Nampa, Twin Falls, Idaho Falls, Portland St. Johns, Baker, Springfield, Caldwell, The Dalles and Albany Corps. The Vilens have raised four children: Brad, Mark, Brenda and Heidi.

The retirement ceremony was conducted by Lt. Colonel William E. McHarg (R) with participation by Lt. Colonel Jean McHarg (R) and divisional staff officers.

After retirement, they will live at 1021 S.E. 131st Ave., Vancouver WA 98683.

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