VAVS meet in Phoenix

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The 59th Annual Veterans Affairs Volunteer Service (VAVS) meeting was held this past May 25-28 in Scottsdale, Arizona. The three-day event attracted Salvation Army officers from across the nation, in addition to members from numerous other organizations. All attendees had one primary goal in mind: to create a plan that attracts an increased number of student volunteers and volunteers ages 20-49 to their programs.

In addition to expanding the volunteer base from primarily seniors to one that is comprised of younger individuals, the conference also sought to accommodate full and open communication among member organizations and all representatives.

To kick-off the conference, the Southwest Divisions held a kindred session for all Salvation Army officers and delegates at its Mesa Corps the night prior to the actual conference. All participants were treated to a night of food, fellowship and entertainment by the Doughnut Girls and Southwest Division band members.

Much like the actual convention facilitated communication between various organizations, the kindred session allowed representatives from each territory to report on the activities of their respective territories. The evening concluded with Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary Lt. Colonel Jan Mowery’s Iraq presentation, and more entertainment.

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