‘Tide of Prayer for Revival’ set to roll

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Commissioner Linda Bond, territorial commander, has called on Salvationists throughout the West to pray “that God will sweep over us in a tide of revival.”

In order to have a tide of prayer “wash” across the territory, soldiers, officers and friends are asked to join in a “territorial prayer meeting” for revival each Thursday morning from 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Since the Western Territory contains seven time zones and is more than 6,800 miles across, prayers will become a ‘flood tide’ beginning at the eastern edge of the territory, in the Intermountain Division, sweeping across the globe to Guam for seven hours of focused prayer for God to bless, anoint and encourage a commitment to revival in the territory.

“I’ve heard it said that for much of the Christian Church, the tide is out,” said Bond. “What do you do when the tide is out? You clean up the beach.” She added, “Are we prepared to have the debris exposed so that confession, repentance, and submission become as necessary as petition and intercession?”

Whether prayers are given at home, in the car, or in the workplace, Salvationists will be focused on seeking the Lord’s will and an outpouring of his blessing.

Bond suggested to the president of Crestmont College that he secure a copy of the video to share with cadets depicting the remarkable revival that started in Asbury College in Kentucky. The revival began in 1970 and was a spontaneous outpouring of the Holy Spirit that had a remarkable effect on the faculty and students. Many were saved and had their lives transformed.

The Crestmont cadets were touched by the film and also began to pray for revival in The Salvation Army.

Lt. Colonel Alicia Burger, vice provost for cross cultural studies, said “The cadets are seeking personal, as well as corporate renewal and revival. There have been deep convictions… confessions and even expressions of reverent fear.”

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