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Third KaBOOM playground built in Nevada

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by Charles Desiderio – 

The Salvation Army Clark County Command received its third playground in two years from the good folks of KaBOOM, a non-profit company based in Washington, D.C. KaBOOM selected the children served by the Las Vegas Corps’ after-school program, headed by Captains Michael and Susan Nute, corps officers.

The playground was a part of NASCAR week in Las Vegas, and the project was funded by seed money donated by James and Reba Cardwell and The Home Depot. The joint effort had all four groups—The Home Depot, Joe Gibbs Racing, KaBOOM, and The Salvation Army—working together to build a playground from start to finish in six hours; no easy job! The Home Depot provided 150 volunteers and The Salvation Army 100 volunteers. KaBOOM supplied the leadership, expertise and direction. Tony Stewart, driver of NASCAR car number 20, represented Joe Gibbs Racing, sponsored by The Home Depot.

The entire project was truly a gift of love and proof that by working together anything can be accomplished. The Salvation Army’s after-school program serves about 50 youngsters daily, and this will be the first outdoor activity that they will have. Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman dropped by to lend support and to thank The Salvation Army’s Major William Raihl and Development Director Charles Desiderio for the work they do all year long. Major Raihl, Clark County coordinator, spoke of the cooperation and the positive results of four great groups working together to give an unparalleled gift of a playground to the children.

Corps Officers Captains Michael and Susan Nute led The Salvation Army team of staff and volunteers in the six-hour project. Four months of planning and preparation were needed to bring this project to the success it is!


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