The Salvation Army presents Kiddieland

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The face-painting table was popular with the kids. Photo by Laine Hendricks
The face-painting table was popular with the kids.
Photo by Laine Hendricks

Children are entertained at the annual Black Cuisine marketplace festival in Bayview Hunters Point.

By Vivian Gatica

The Salvation Army’s Golden State Division partnered with Bayview Hunters Point Multipurpose Senior Services, Inc., for the 33rd annual Black Cuisine marketplace festival on March 2 in the Bayview neighborhood of San Francisco. The Salvation Army put together the Kiddieland portion of the event.

“Kiddieland provided a fun environment for kids who may not have been as interested in browsing the various food vendors and artisan merchants as their parents,” said Laine Hendricks, Golden State’s director of public relations. “It gave the parents a break to browse as they pleased while knowing that their kids were entertained and safe.”

The partnership began three years ago when The Salvation Army was looking to expand its presence in the Bayview community. According to Hendricks, The Salvation Army offered to host Kiddieland after the original agency in charge canceled, and has hosted it ever since.

“The Salvation Army believes that it’s critical to be a ‘good neighbor’ in any community we operate in,” Hendricks said. “Partnerships strengthen our ability to serve those in need and improve our neighborhoods.”

The Black Cuisine marketplace festival celebrates the culture of soul food and music. This year, while food vendors sold barbecue, jambalaya and ribs, two stages offered musical performances of jazz, soul, blues, gospel and spoken word. A soul food cooking contest and a general marketplace also entertained visitors.

For the children, Kiddieland had carnival-style games and prizes, and food provided by the Golden State Salvation Army canteen. Hendricks said various corps provided prizes and loaned equipment.

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