The only things in life really worth having…are the things we give away

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The first Christmas was a family affair. This was a Christmas scene without trees, without tinsel or red and green lights, without stockings hung hopefully beside a cheerful fireside by laughing children. This was a Christmas scene without the hospitality, the kindness, the friendly remembrance of yule. But because of it, December 25th is now “Merry Christmas” not merely another date on the calendar of events in a year which would have been designated as 6004.

Because of it, civilization turned from east to west–from candlelight to electricity–from camel back to the speed of sound on wings in the heavens.

Because of it, slender spires reach to the sky, deserts blossom like the roses of Jericho and carillons sing Peace on earth, good-will to mankind.

What do you see bright star of eastern heavens? What do you see in the slumbering village of Bethlehem? No white hospital cot with sterile linen–no starched, trim nurses–no surgeons scrubbing up–no trays of silver instruments–no sterile gauze, nor clean cotton, nor willing hands trained to the task.

These you do not see, star of the east over Bethlehem. These good things came because of Him–to ease the pain and travail of millions yet unborn while she who bears Him trembles in the night.

What do you see, O star of Bethlehem? A shameful, sinful, tearful, lonesome world.

You see a stable, too–a dank stone cave that reeks with odors from the beasts that carry men’s load–neglected, dark, cob-webby, leaking barn open to wind and weather on one side–and only clean–the manger–where soft, sweet hay is placed to feed the patient burro and lowing ox. A cradle now for Him destined to bear the burdens of the world forevermore.

And thus, in Bethlehem on Christmas day Jesus of Nazareth was born–the sweetest, kindest Christmas gift this world has yet received–a gift of peace within the hearts of humanity–a formula for peace among the nations of the world.

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