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Thanksgiving outreach planned

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EACH YEAR, THOUSANDS enjoy a warm Thanksgiving meal and caring fellowship at Salvation Army corps and centers throughout the Western Territory.

While The Salvation Army cares for those in need throughout the year, at Thanksgiving it provides bountiful meals to those who might otherwise spend another day alone or hungry.

The Army is able to provide these meals through the generosity of individuals and communities throughout the territory.


The Alaska Division will serve about 700 meals at its annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Central Middle School in Anchorage.

Volunteers will also pack and deliver meals to more than 250 homebound seniors in the Anchorage area. This has become a great holiday project for families ­ the seniors really enjoy seeing the children and for many families, this is an annual tradition.

Golden State

The San Francisco Harbor Light will coordinate two Thanksgiving events: the turkey carving on the day before Thanksgiving and the meal delivery on Thanksgiving Day.

The day before Thanksgiving, volunteers will come to Harbor Light and help carve more than 125 donated turkeys for dinners to be delivered to seniors and shut-ins in the San Francisco Bay area. After the meals are assembled, volunteer drivers deliver the dinners to the shut-ins. Last year, more than 3,000 meals were delivered.

Southern California

The Southern California Division will host about 2,400 at its annual Thanksgiving dinner and celebration for the area’s low-income and homeless at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, the Bell Shelter will present a musical show of praise for its program participants, put on by the participants. On Thanksgiving Day, the shelter will provide dinner for at least 350 people.

Sierra del Mar

The Sierra del Mar Division is expecting 1,800 guests at its annual Thanksgiving dinner in downtown San Diego at Golden Hall. This year, under the leadership of executive chef Mike Connelly, the traditional meal will be prepared by the Central Kitchen, which is located on the campus of the Door of Hope. It promises to be a busy season for the Central Kitchen chefs, as they are also slated to prepare the Christmas dinner.


This year, the Northwest Division is excited about their association with Honeysuckle White Turkey, who have partnered with the Army in Seattle in the More to Share program by donating turkeys for holiday meals. At least 25 turkeys will be provided for Thanksgiving, with more arriving for Christmas. The turkeys will be delivered to the William Booth Center, where the meals will be prepared.

Hawaiian and Pacific Islands

On Thanksgiving Day, The Salvation Army will hold its 32nd annual Thanksgiving dinner at the Exhibition Hall of the Neal Blaisdell Center in Honolulu, where they expect to serve about 2,500 guests.

The whole community participates in this annual event, with more than 800 volunteers donating their time and resources. Companies contribute food, cash, and volunteer time. The City and County of Honolulu donates the use of the Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.

The festivities begin at 9:00 AM with music by The Salvation Army Band and many local entertainers. The non-stop entertainment will continue until noon. Mayor Jeremy Harris will welcome guests.

Other island corps, Maui, Kauai and Hawaii, are also having dinners. Last year, all the corps’ combined efforts served more than 6,000 meals statewide.

Del Oro

The Del Oro Division is planning to host a Thanksgiving meal for about 1, 500 at The Salvation Army Emergency Shelter in Sacramento on Nov. 27. The meal, prepared by the shelter kitchen and served by volunteers, is open to the community–with the homeless especially in mind.


The Southwest Division sponsors several Thanksgiving events including a dinner for over 1,500 at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza in downtown Phoenix. Thousands more are served through the Holiday Home-delivery Program.

During the Big Guy/Big Drive Turkey Drive, a Phoenix radio station broadcasts live to collect turkey and monetary donations for the Army. Anyone who gives a turkey or a minimum donation of $5 will receive a 2001 World Series Champion Diamondback baseball.


Volunteers in the Intermountain Division will serve dinner to hundreds, last year totaling 2,200, at three locations in the Denver area, as well as deliver meals to shut-ins and seniors. Guests will enjoy traditional food donated by King Soopers and prepared by the culinary staff at The Brown Palace Hotel.

Cascade Division

The Cascade Division will offer many services, including a United Praise Meeting at the Portland Tabernacle the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Planning to serve over 800, The Salvation Army Rose Center for seniors and the Harbor Light will serve meals, and clients at the White Shield Center, a program for teenage girls who are wards of the state, will enjoy a party including activities and worship.

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