Southern California celebrates

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Soldiers and friends join in fun and fellowship.

by Matthew Jensen –

Doug Williams Jr. and Marcos Roman keep the music mix going at So Cal Celebration.

About 1,700 indiviuals enjoyed this year’s So Cal Celebration, held recently on the grounds at Crestmont. The day included main stage performances, with inspiring music and messages, soccer and basketball on the various courts, delicious food booths lining the courtyard, youth and troop rallies, Bible Bowl, children’s activities (including someone who actually put children into giant soap bubbles), and creative arts—just to name a few!

It was a celebration in every sense of the word —allowing The Salvation Army family in Southern California to spend some quality time with one another in a beautiful setting. As the large turnout demonstrates, the Southern California Division is a vibrant community as diverse as the region it represents, but also one that is united in the mission of the Army.

While offering events and activities throughout the day, this year’s So Cal Celebration afforded Salvation Army employees, officers, cadets and soldiers alike, an opportunity to come together as the body that Christ desires for us to live within.

Time and time again in the Scriptures we see the theme of worshiping together, of unity, of brotherhood and love. It’s events like this that remind us of our sacred bond as one body, and promote our desire to embrace that relationship with one another in our everyday life; for that, this year’s So Cal Celebration was invaluable.

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