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Soldier of Christ – Well Done!’

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Crest for Promoted to Glory

A/Captain Sybil Nelson (R)

A/Captain Sybil Nelson, surrounded by her family, was peacefully promoted to Glory recently after suffering a massive stroke.

Sybil Marie Putnam was born in Gettysburg, S.C., in 1924. She married her husband, Harlan, shortly after her high school graduation in 1940, and their union was blessed with five children: two sons and three daughters. Their elder son, James, passed away two years ago.

Sybil was active with Child for Christ Crusade and child evangelism, along with other children’s ministries. Jointly they managed Families for Alcoholics in Carlton. Her hard work and dedication influenced hundreds of children.

Through his work as counselor at the Portland Harbor Light, they were introduced to The Salvation Army. They became A/Captains in 1974 and went to Baker, Ore., as corps officers, where she used her skills of working with youth and seniors. In 1978, her husband was appointed Correctional Services officer for the Cascade Division, continuing his work after their retirement in 1984. He received her support and encouragement for this work, for which he was named a “Frontiersman of the Year” in 1989.

A Service of Celebration was held at Portland Tabernacle Corps with Colonel Bill Luttrell officiating.

In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Richard, daughters Barbara, Roxanne, Jeana and their spouses, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Cards and messages of sympathy may be sent to A/Captain Harlan Nelson at 3802 Maple Lane, Tillamook OR 97141-2740.

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