Serving God Through Lay Ministry

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Life Service Conference

The Life Service Conference Lay Ministry track, designed to encourage lay leadership within the corps, promoted the Biblical concept of the “priesthood of all believers.”

In this track, delegates were given the opportunity to seek out ministry possibilities in The Salvation Army which are outside of officership. It also providedpractical ministry ideas to help equip delegates in their chosen vocation.

Major Isa McDougald and Captain Kelly Pontsler led an Overseas Ministry elective featuring the Service Corps and Short Term Mission programs. Those attending were encouraged to seek out God’s calling in their life to missions by serving in short term programs.

Territorial Financial Development Director Bob Gregg provided leadership to the Lay Ministry Track on Saturday, conducting two sessions on leadership and vision. According to Gregg, “The sessions were designed to provide delegates with the tools to identify leadership skills, as well as equipping them with practical ways to implement those tools at the local level. Obviously we want to prepare our young adults to take on leadership roles within the corps.”

One interesting exercise conducted in the vision session asked delegates to identify their ten most important “core” values, then to cut them down to five. They were given a list of 50 values to work from. “You could hear the moans and groans of this challenge amongst the delegates as we were encouraged to establish what is really important to us. This was really hard,” stated one delegate.

A panel discussion involving Salvationists in various fields of work concluded this track. Panelists included: Jeff Flag (teacher), Irene Lewis (Red Shield Center director), Blair Allen (THQ Legal), Barbara Allen (teacher) and Steve Allen (Social Services director, So. Calif. DHQ). The discussion was facilitated by Kevin White, Creative Ministries Specialist from the THQ youth department.

“The panel was able to share from their backgrounds and varied experiences their sense of ministry that is found in their line of work,” explains White. “Some work for the Army as professional employees, while others serve in the community workforce. All, however, attend the Army as their place of worship and service. We are hoping that those attending caught a glimpse of the passion each of the panel members has for ministry in his or her work.”

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