SAW-ROA annual retreat

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By Leslie Peacock, Major –

Members of The Salvation Army West-Retired Officers’ Association (SAW-ROA) met in May at Camp Mt. Crags in the Malibu mountains of Southern California for the annual retreat.

Current president Major Ron Bawden chose the theme “Not Weary Yet” to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the SAW-ROA retreat.

Western Territory leaders Commissioner James and Carolyn Knaggs led the sessions during the weekend, with music by the SAW-ROA band, led by Major Fred Seiler, and chorus, led by Major Carol Pontsler. Musical guest Carol Jaudes and accompanist Karen Krinjak from the Eastern Territory offered an evening of “Broadway Dreams” and a drama, “The Three Bonnets,” that recounted the lives of Catherine Booth, Evangeline Booth, and Eva Burrows.

James Knaggs interviewed four retired officers with SAVN.TV: Brigadier Betty Whiteside, Major Donna Jackson and Majors Bob and Marilyn Gregory.

The 2015 SAW-ROA retreat—“Joy for the Journey”—is slated for April 30 – May 3, 2015. Under the leadership of future 2014 SAW-ROA president Major Donna Jackson, special guests will be Lt. Colonels Harry and Barbara Brocksieck, Central Territory retired officers who also served in Russia.

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