Savior’s Call

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Pieces of shard metal lie on the ground along with the flesh of Jesus.
Pools of life-saving blood lie in waste as men carelessly step over it.
The sharp, jagged points of a once beautiful rose bush now crown
the head of a Savior.
The old rugged cross, made for punishment, now carries the sins
of the world.
The weight of the cross, heavier than wood and metal, is a weight
no man can lift.

Undeservingly chastised, his message of hope for mankind was
thrown in his face.
Ridiculed for his miracles, which were dismissed in arrogance and
with hardened hearts.
Placed in the hands of sinful men, he found no mercy; he had to
swallow the bitter pill alone.
He had to suffer his Passion for the kingdom of glory, satisfying
the requirement for our salvation.

Through it all I can hear the echo of Christ saying to the world, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world!”

I now stand at a crossroads of a choice; it is not a hard decision
to make, but it is one we all must make.
I hear the message of love and sacrifice loud and clear;
I hear my Savior’s call.
I look to the heavens and ask “Why?” and finally come to the
answer of his call!

I surrender my will to yours, Lord! Make all things new in me again,
my heart feel again!
Your grace was poured out and my cup is overflowing, your
sacrifice has brought
The Lost Son home and I rejoice to be in your presence. Surely
goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Have you heard the Savior’s call?

How will you answer………?
—Thomas Stambaugh, Captain – 

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