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YPSM asks coworkers for assistance collecting school supplies

by Joanne Golden, YPSM –

Maya Park of CB Richard Ellis and Joanne Golden. [Photo by Ka Lin]

To help local children receive school supplies, the Long Beach Citadel Corps recently enlisted assistance from the business community. Chris Golden, young people’s sergeant-major (YPSM), oversaw the project. While the local Staples store donated enough backpacks, pencils and rulers, we lacked other supplies. I asked my firm CB Richard Ellisif they would consider sending out an email asking employees to pitch in.

A global leader in commercial real estate, CB Richard Ellis is a Fortune 500 company that is familiar with charitable work. The Anaheim office operations manager, Leisha Lee, accepted the challenge. The employees in Anaheim, along with a few from the Newport Beach office, provided enough supplies crayons, markers, paper, and binders to fill 30 backpacks.

Thanks to the firm’s contribution, we equipped these children with basic yet vital tools to start the school year.


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