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Salvation Army Western Retired Officers Association

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SAW-ROA retreat date set

A real serendipity is in store for retired officers at the SAW-ROA Retreat to be held May 20-23, 2004 at Mt. Crags Camp in beautiful Southern California! Ten sessions—including Bible studies, a musical program and closing worship service—will offer ample opportunity for discussion, fellowship, worship, prayer and just plain fun.

Commissioners Raymond and Merlyn Cooper will be featured guests; and those who know them will attest to their amiability as well as their capability to inspire and challenge all who attend.

The Coopers’ extensive ministry, as corps officers, CFOT staff and responsibilities at territorial headquarters in the USA Central and Southern Territories, as well as their leadership as executive officers for the International Millennial Congress held in Atlanta in 2000, will provide a backdrop for their interaction in this delightful setting.

Commissioner Raymond Cooper served for five years on the faculty of the National Brengle Institute, and wrote the New Testament Study Notes used in the USA Training Colleges. He was the international voice of The Salvation Army as speaker on the “Wonderful Words of Life” radio ministry. Their musical gifts are equally appreciated.

“How thrilled Merlyn and I were to receive the invitation to be your guests for this weekend,” Ray responded recently.

“We will join you in praying that God will come to each of us in a very special way, to give us a fresh infilling of that power for our own unique ministries as retired officers. Will you also please pray that God will reveal to us, his will for our part in this significant event.”

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