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Salvation Army in Guam rallies community to help the homeless

The Salvation Army Guam celebrated its 3rd RockAid summer kickoff event with costumed volunteers lip-syncing to the classic tunes of Elvis, Michael Jackson, Janis Joplin, The Jackson 5 and Tina Turner. Local bands, including Custer’s Last Stand, Juke Box and the Pago Bay Rockers, took part in this rock fest, playing music that left the nostalgic crowd craving more.
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by April Manibusan

L-R: Marion Santos, Meliza Berringer, Amanda Thornton, Captain Thomas Taylor, Captain Christina Taylor, Mark Anthony Balansay, Renko Engelman and Kotwal Singh [Photo by April Manibuson]

The Salvation Army Guam celebrated its 3rd RockAid summer kickoff event with costumed volunteers lip-syncing to the classic tunes of Elvis, Michael Jackson, Janis Joplin, The Jackson 5 and Tina Turner. Local bands, including Custer’s Last Stand, Juke Box and the Pago Bay Rockers, took part in this rock fest, playing music that left the nostalgic crowd craving more.

The Hard Rock Café first approached the Army in 2008 to help combat the growing problem of homelessness on Guam. The Guam Corps provides homeless services to thousands of people per year—many of them families with young children.

Standing by the Army’s mission, the Guam Corps’ Advisory Board decided to sponsor the first event, rallying other businesses to join the cause—Continental Airlines, Market Wholesale, GNC, Graphic Center, KUAM CareForce and the Pacific Daily News. The event was such a hit it continued for another two years.

The Soroptimist International of Guam, a women’s group that works to improve the lives of other women and children, organized the 3rd event, gathering donations for silent auctions, such as Coach handbags, hotel packages, jewelry, and more. The Hard Rock Café Ambassadors, comprised of management and staff, also contributed by donating canned goods collected during a month-long food drive.

The RockAid event raised over $10k to help support The Salvation Army Guam’s homeless assistance programs.

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