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Salvation Army Hawaii’s Family Treatment Services recognized

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The Mutual of America Foundation recently named Waikiki Health’s PATH Clinic the recipient of the 2015 Governor Hugh L. Carey Community Partnership Award. The award honors the collaborative work achieved by both the PATH Clinic, which targets pregnant and parenting women with a history of substance abuse, and its community partner, The Salvation Army’s Family Treatment Services (FTS).

“We are honored to be part of such a dynamic and vital collaboration for women in Hawaii,” said Melanie Boehm, executive director of FTS. “By working with Waikiki Health’s PATH Clinic, our mutual clients benefit by being able to access and receive the services needed for hope and healing.”

The PATH Clinic and FTS collaboration earned the top award over more than 400 other national applicants. As part of the honor, Waikiki Health received a check for $50,000 and the Mutual of America Foundation produced a 15-minute documentary showcasing the successful partnership.

 “Addiction is a multilayered problem; women struggling with this issue need to feel supported and cared for, not judged,” said Sheila Beckham, CEO of Waikiki Health. “At Waikiki Health’s PATH Clinic, our overarching goal is to help these women and their babies get through pregnancy in the safest way possible, to provide education for healthier choices and to provide compassion and services to help them rebuild their lives.”

 The number of pregnant women suffering from substance abuse has jumped in recent years, often resulting in babies born with low birth weights and health complications. In 2006, the Hawaii State Legislature funded a pilot program called PATH to address this growing problem.

In 2011, Waikiki Health assumed operation of PATH Clinic, expanding its services to include primary medical care, behavioral health services and child care. Also in 2011, Waikiki Health partnered with FTS to ensure a greater number of pregnant and parenting women would have access to addiction treatment services, while receiving comprehensive medical care to address their specific addiction needs in a nonjudgmental, compassionate environment.

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