By Rachael Fowler –

The Salvation Army dedicated its new Haven Interim Housing in San Diego, Calif., which offers single women and women with children experiencing homelessness a temporary home to safely get back on their feet.
The Haven Interim Housing can serve up to nine families and eight single women at a time, and provides a safe place where women can save money, secure employment and learn life skills for up to four months.
While the shelter first opened its doors in late November 2015, the home is now being dedicated and announced to the community. Since it opened, 55 individuals have stayed there, and no resident has exited the program to the streets. Seven families and one woman have left the program. The Salvation Army has also helped three mothers currently living at the Haven find employment.
“This program allows for us to provide a continuum of care to women who need it,” said Major Lee Lescano, Salvation Army divisional commander. “We are able to help the recently homeless, as well as those who need a little more help and time to get back on their feet at our Transitional Living Center.
Haven Interim Housing is located at The Salvation Army’s Door of Hope Campus, which also includes a Transitional Living Center and residence for women in The Salvation Army’s Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Program.
The Salvation Army’s Door of Hope has been a safe place for women and children to stay since 1931. Services for residents currently include but are not limited to case management, mental health counseling, career and job development, learning budgeting and saving, basic life skills, parenting skills and pastoral counseling.