Safe in ‘the shadow of his wings’

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Words of Life: Easter 2005

For many people, life is lived under a shadow of sorrow and suffering, with the questions ‘Why?’ and ‘What for?’ as constant companions.

For Christians, life is also lived in the shadow, but this is not a dark place of abandonment or despair. The Scriptures speak of living in the shadow of God’s wings, a place of safety and refuge that covers and protects. God’s word assures us that no matter how great the struggles we face, no matter how deep the darkness we go through, God is with us, working out his sovereign purposes for our lives.

This edition of Words of Life features some of the complex questions of struggle and suffering, readings for Easter, chapters from Luke’s Gospel, Jacob’s story, the message of the prophet Habakkuk, and the world’s greatest text—John 3:16.

To order, contact Resource Connection (starting Nov. 1) at: Phone orders may be taken at: 1-800-937-8896 or by fax at: 847-294-2298.

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