Salvation Army soldier stays busy volunteering in retirement.
By Martha Miller
When retired Bandmaster John Magnenat found that simply soldiering at the Seattle Temple Corps was not enough to keep him busy, he started volunteering. Recently, he was one of six people recognized for volunteer work.
Foss Home and Village—advocates for the aging since 1929 in Seattle—presents the awards to seniors who in retirement continue to contribute their time and talents through volunteering.
First invited to join a corps band in 1938, Magnenat has been a faithful bandsman ever since, playing almost every instrument with three valves. He spent 43 years as a bandmaster with The Salvation Army, most recently at the Seattle Temple Corps. Currently, he plays in the baritone section of the Seattle Temple Corps band. In addition, for 25 years he spent his vacation time as a music camp instructor at Camp Arnold (Wash.). Magnenat said, “It has been very rewarding to see the progress these young people have made musically through the years.”
His life is not all music. He serves on the corps staff as director of senior ministries, plans each week’s Senior Lunch program, and transports several seniors who attend. He teaches a Thursday morning Bible study and visits nursing homes and hospitals.
Major Dave Harmon, corps officer with his wife Linda, often refers to Magnenat as “Saint John.”
Magnenat and his wife, Rafaela, have been soldiers at the Seattle Temple Corps since 1962.