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Reflections of a Boot Camp delegate

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Wow, what an awesome week. So many people to meet, and friendships made to last a lifetime. Thanks Mr. TYS and Jim Sparks for investing in others. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for giving us dreams, visions and the desire to achieve great things for the Kingdom of God.

So, this year’s theme for youth councils is “Revolution”? And it’s going to cap off at WYI.

But in a revolution there is a regime change—a revolt against the people in authority—because the revolutionary are dissatisfied with the leadership or the lack thereof. The Communists overthrew the czar of Russia. The French beheaded King Louis XIV. The patriots shot the red coats. What are the Salvationists going to do?

We shouldn’t burn down DHQ. Forget about traveling to Long Beach to blow up THQ. Don’t even think about overthrowing the commissioner. What we need to do is examine ourselves. Are we right with God? How is our relationship with him? Are we all that we can be with his help or do we make too many excuses? Is our thinking lining up with the mind of Christ?

Leo Tolstoy said, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Change yourself first. Have a revolution inside of you. Then we can talk about a revolution in The Salvation Army.

I am changing myself by the way I think. You should try “thinking for a change.” Now is the time to RENEW your mind. One speaker at Boot Camp said, “You can’t put new wine into old wine skin.” The Holy Spirit needs a renewed mind to work with. We can’t achieve new goals by thinking like we did before we got to Boot camp. Let’s change our way of thinking.

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2 KJV

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