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Details on The Gathering: June 7-10

In June, a gathering of Salvation Army soldiers, officers and friends from all corners of the 13 western states, Guam, Marshall Islands and Micronesia will assemble—an expected 5,000-plus people descending on Pasadena, Calif., awaiting and expecting God’s moving. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mat.: 18:20 RSV).

The Gathering begins Thursday, June 7 at 7 p.m. and concludes Sunday, June 10. General Linda Bond is the visiting leader, and she will share powerful messages from God’s Word throughout the weekend.

As corps and divisions prepare to send delegates to The Gathering, remember that the ability to be connected to one another is greater today than at any other time in history. Salvationists can “gather” online at The Gathering’s Facebook—to share in weekly prayer meetings (a Facebook account is not necessary). If possible, take a moment to share a prayer on this site, and “like” it for all your Facebook friends to see.



Registration is currently over four-fifths full; interested individuals should register without delay. The deadline for registration is May 1—don’t wait until the deadline passes or the Congress is full. To register go to You must also register your children. Ask your corps offficer for help.

Be sure to indicate on your registration form if you want to attend Commencement, Officers Kids’ breakfast (6-17 years old only), Future Officers Breakfast or the Recovery Ministries Breakfast. All other events are automatically included in your registration.

You will receive an email confirmation, but no tickets. Upon arriving at the congress you will receive a name badge that provides access to all the main events, Men’s Rally or Women’s Tea, and any special events that you requested.


Main meetings

The main meetings on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights will feature music and arts groups, worship music and presentations from God’s Word. Sunday’s two meetings will focus on the cadets. General Linda Bond will commission the Western Territory’s newest officers during the morning meeting, and in the afternoon Commissioner James Knaggs will announce their first appointments.



On Saturday morning the entire Congress will meet at the Rose Bowl Stadium and Park for a time of celebration. Women will attend a morning tea in the park, while men will attend a tailgate party in the stadium, which includes a message from Oscar Roan. Children ages 6-13 will enjoy carnival-type games and activities in a secure location, with activities for younger children at the Convention Center.




Professionally staffed childcare—by Corporate Kids, under the leadership of the Territorial Youth Department—will be available for children ages 0-11 during all the main meetings and the musical. Children ages 12 and above will attend the main meetings. Those who choose not to place their children in the provided childcare will have to make other arrangements, as the younger children will not be allowed in the main meetings.

If you register your children for the congress, they are automatically registered for childcare.



The only transportation provided during the congress is to and from the Rose Bowl on Saturday. All other transportation is your own responsibility. All major hotels are within walking distance of the congress venues. You can book your room at these hotels via



Three seminars are currently scheduled: Friday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and Saturday at 1p.m. No additional registration is required for these. Specific details about seminars will be in the next issue of New Frontier, March 23.



The Territorial Music Department is producing a new talent competition—Encore! The goal is to encourage young people in their involvement in the creative arts. On Friday and Saturday showcases will feature vocal, brass, piano, guitar, singing company and drama.



The world premier of Spirit! 2: Empire occurs during congress. Delegates will be assigned by division to attend one of the two presentations. Presented by the Southern California Division, the musical is in the style of classics such as Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables and Wicked.


Divisional gatherings

Each division will meet on the opporsite day of the musical attendance. More information will be available from your divisional headquarters.



While the prayer time for the congress has already begun, specific rooms in the Convention Center will be dedicated to prayer. A twice-daily prayer meeting will take place, led by senior leaders, and a 24/7 prayer room will be available for individual reflection and prayer.


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