Reaching out to seniors

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Doing the Most Good in Southern California

The Adult Day Care program at the Torrance Corps provides a safe and loving environment for dependent adults.

Providing holistic opportunities in Aging Services is an important element of the Southern California Division’s outreach to seniors. Corps programming, two adult day care programs, family services, Meals on Wheels, and nine senior or Silvercrest residences all offer opportunities for holistic ministry.

Many corps encourage youth involvement in Community Care and other senior ministries. Major Jeanne Baker, divisional Community Care Ministries secretary and Older Adult Ministries secretary, taught puppetry to the Santa Monica Adventure Corps; and as the finale the youth presented a program of black-light puppetry featuring their favorite number, “God is bigger than the boogie man.” “It was a vibrant performance which the Silvercrest residents really enjoyed,” said Baker.

The Salvation Army Adult Day Care in Torrance and Sage House in San Pedro provide safe and loving environments for dependent adults. “Activities are designed to stretch seniors mentally, socially, physically, and spiritually,” noted Baker.

As part of that, Torrance Corps Officer Captain Ivan Wild explained, their 25-30 participants review a newspaper each morning, do light exercises, have lunch, and make crafts or have a special program.

Respite, information, caregiver training and support groups are offered at the corps, and an annual Health and Resource Fair attracts upwards of 400.

The results of the Aging Services provided throughout the division are what it’s all about; providing holistic ministry is the key. His House Family Services Director Dave Risher stated, “For seniors, the poverty of loneliness is as great as the poverty of hunger. Many seniors come to His House daily or monthly for food—dressed up in their finest clothes. They come not only for food, but just as importantly, for the warmth of human contact. We see this as the most important outreach we have.”

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