Public and private sectors collaborate on Metro Denver Kroc Concept

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The underserved in the Metro Denver area will be the ultimate beneficiaries of Joan Kroc’s generosity if the Metro Denver Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center becomes a reality.

The Metro Denver Advisory Board has received support from Colorado’s governor, lt. governor, attorney general, the mayors and city councils of Aurora and Denver, and several members of Colorado’s Congressional delegation to move forward in the application process to build a $30 million facility on the border between Aurora and Denver. The site represents the most underserved area for Kroc-related programs in the Metro Denver area.

The board’s innovative planning and design approach includes several features—all of which focus on the sustainability of a Kroc Center without impacting the integrity of the existing Metro Denver programs which touch thousands of lives every day.

The site is being acquired through a unique partnership with the City of Aurora and 111 Havana Partners. The 15-acre site has an existing building for holistic program services as well as income generation, and land for facility expansion and outdoor sports programs. In addition, plans include relocation of the existing Aurora Corps and Aurora daycare program to the center.

The elements of Phase 2 will be under the oversight of Eikenhorst and Associates—owners’ representative for the Clinton Library. The program design, financial analysis and community outreach will be conducted by Ballard King and Associates—with experience at other Colorado facilities and Army centers nationwide. The architectural footprint and developer requirements will be performed by Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture—who provided pro bono services in Phase 1 and have nationwide Army, public and private client experience. The Leland Consulting Group will continue to provide demographic analysis and partnership opportunities.

Simultaneously with the requirements of Phase 2, the Waters Pelton Group has been hired to conduct a feasibility study for a capital campaign for both exiting programs and a Kroc Center—the first Army campaign in Denver in 20 years. The results will be part of the economic analysis for program subsidies and user fees at a Kroc Center. The Daniels Fund will assist in outreach to the foundation community.

We believe that a Metro Denver Kroc Corps Community Center will advance the spiritual mission of The Salvation Army, complement existing and planned Corps and social service ministries, and serve the under-served in recreation, education, and the arts for generations to come.

—Ronald W. Cattany, Chair
Metro Denver Advisory Board

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