Major Pat Wetter was promoted to Glory on Jan. 7, from Pleasant Hill, Calif.
Pat Jernigan was born Feb. 13, 1954, in San Jose, Calif. She accepted the Lord at age 7 while attending a Baptist church.
Jernigan attended beauty school where she met and married Kit Wetter, an instructor. While operating a food pantry, the couple came in contact with The Salvation Army and began working with them. Wetter was in her early 30s when she and her husband pioneered the Army’s work in Gilroy, Calif. While there, she established a vital women’s ministry, which is still active today.
Although the couple never attended training school, they worked with Lt. Colonel Joe Posillico, who appointed them envoys and placed them at the Gilroy Corps.
After establishing the Army’s work in Gilroy, the Wetters became soldiers at the San Jose Citadel Corps.
Following a brief training period in 1988 in Chico, Calif., they pioneered the Roseville, Novato and Visalia (Calif.) corps. In 1996 they left California to build a new corps facility in Fort Collins, Colo., and returned in 2001 to serve in the Stockton, Oakland Garden Street and El Sobrante corps. In her final months of ministry, Wetter had started a new Hispanic women’s ministry program at the El Sobrante Corps.
While in Stockton, Wetter received her Doctorate of Divinity degree from Golden State School of Theology.
The Wetters shared God’s love with many children. The couple adopted one son and, at times, fostered entire families of children. At one point, they provided a home to 11 children.
Wetter is survived by her husband; four children: Captain Vickie Harvey, Eric Wetter, Heather Wetter and Frank Halgas; her mother; two brothers; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
The Concord Corps hosted a Celebration of Life for Wetter on Jan. 16. Lt. Colonel Joe Posillico opened and closed the service and Major Doug Riley gave the message.

Commissioner Andrew S. Miller was promoted to Glory on Jan. 19, in Lawrenceville, Ga.
Miller was born Oct. 14, 1923, in Roselle Park, N.J.—a fourth-generation Salvationist.
In 1941, Miller felt called both to Salvation Army officership and to the Navy. He received permission to attend training school and be commissioned, and then take a leave of absence for Navy service before returning to his commission.
In 1942, he entered the School for Officer Training from the Newark (N.J.) Corps with the Valiant Session. In 1946—after his military tour—he was reinstated as an officer. While stationed in Dover, Ohio, he married Lt. Joan Hackworth.
During his 47-year career in The Salvation Army, Miller held many positions in the Eastern, Central and Southern territories, before serving as national commander from 1986-1989.
Miller graduated from Akron University and attended Asbury College, serving on its board of trustees and receiving an honorary Doctor of Law degree in 1986. The Akron Class of 1956 awarded him the Alumni Honors Award for Excellence in Community Service in 1988. In 1989, he received an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters from Akron.
The Millers retired in 1989 and moved to Lawrenceville, Ga.
Well known as a pulpit speaker, Miller was just as comfortable out of the pulpit helping those in need. He also befriended many people in powerful positions.
Miller’s personal commitment was to share Jesus Christ with at least one person every day and he shared this pledge with President Ronald Reagan. Inspired, Reagan later told Miller that he had witnessed to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
While jogging on the streets of New York City, Miller met Robert Kennedy and later ushered at Kennedy’s funeral.
Surviving Miller are Mrs. Commissioner Joan Miller, his wife of 64 years; his daughter, Commissioner Sue Swanson, of London, England; his sons, Major Andrew Miller Jr. of Kansas City, Mo., and Envoy William Miller of Minneapolis, Minn.; nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
The Atlanta Temple Corps will hold a memorial service on Feb. 11 with Commissioner John Busby officiating and General Paul Rader bringing the message.