On the move

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On the move

Commissioner Philip Swyers announced the inevitable and traditional “moves” of USA Western officers on Friday, May 8, 2009. The total number involved in these moves is smaller this year than in prior years. Nonetheless, 178 people are involved, affecting 128 appointments.

The needs of families being moved, the unique needs of the local Salvation Army installation, and the needs of the total Territory are considered prior to any move according to Lt. Colonel David Hudson, secretary for personnel. “We recognize the serious nature of moving officers from one appointment to another,” Hudson said, “and we have continually sought God’s wisdom through prayer.”

In describing the procedure relative to decision making, Hudson noted that it started with a survey of the officers themselves, then involved the appointment conference which made recommendations to the appointment board. This board reviewed the recommendations from a broader perspective with the entire territory in mind. “Multiple eyes have been engaged in this task, and the final approval comes from the Territorial Commander who has been involved in the entire process,” Hudson said.
Members of the Witnesses for Christ Session of cadets will receive their appointments following their ordination and commissioning June 13.

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