Photo by Lora Marini Baker
Olympic gold medalist Nathan Adrian attends campaign announcement.
By Lora Marini Baker
The Salvation Army announced Jan. 27 at the Norm Dicks Government Center that it will expand its facility and services in Bremerton, Wash., to include a hygiene center and new corps community center.
The project, scheduled to begin construction this year, is in its final fundraising phase. To date, local donors and funding agencies have donated 85 percent of the cost.
“We’ve received several generous gifts from leaders in the Kitsap community during the last year,” said Major Doug Tollerud, Northwest divisional commander. “Now, we need just a bit more to make the new building a reality.”
Tollerud and his wife, Sheryl, led the event with Bremerton Corps Officers Majors James and Marcia Baker, Bremerton native and Olympic gold medal swimmer Nathan Adrian, and Bremerton Mayor Patty Lent. More than 200 members of the Kitsap County community attended.
Adrian is a member of The Salvation Army “family” in western Washington. His father, Jim Adrian, is currently chairman of the advisory board in Bremerton. At the event, Adrian spoke about how his parents consistently demonstrated the importance of giving back to the community.
The Bremerton project includes a renovation of the current building (built in 1965), and construction of a new building adjacent to it. A portion of the current facility, built in 1943, will be torn down.
At 16,000 square feet, the new facility will include a renovated kitchen and dining hall for community meals, food and clothing banks, a hygiene center, caseworker offices and classrooms, and a church for Sunday services.