No hoop 2 high

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Doris Verbout tournament draws teams from territory and beyond.

With the theme “No Hoop 2 High”—taken from Romans 8:38-39—the 12th Annual Doris Verbout Salvationist Basketball Tournament took place at the Portland Moore Street, Ore., corps, with 16 teams from British Columbia Canada, California, Arizona, Oregon and Washington participating. Players also attended nightly worship and fellowship meetings. The tournament was named for Verbout, a devout Army supporter who never missed a tournament.

The four-day event—Thursday through Sunday—kicked off with a welcome BBQ and a Saturday night “Thanks-Living” feast with turkey and trimmings. Weekend activities also included 3-on-3 games, slam ball, 3-point shootout, a slam-dunk competition and an all-star game.

Worship incorporated Scripture, testimonies, skits and prayer time. Guest speaker for the weekend was former Harlem Globetrotter, Seth Franco, who shared his witness, biblical knowledge and basketball skills. Joining the worship time was Christian rap and hip-hop artist DPB. Lt. Emmanuel Masango and Robert Marshall led evening Bible studies.

The awards were: Sportsmanship Award, accepted by the Moore Street blue team with honorable mention to the Portland and Seattle adult rehabilitation centers (ARCs); Non-power division, 1st place to the Seattle ARC with 2nd place to the Canadian Hally Hoopers; Power division, 1st to Tacoma, Wash., with the Moore Street white team placing 2nd.

During devotional times after each game, more than 100 players and other individuals accepted the Lord.

The tournament grows not only in number each year, but also in more powerful Christian outreach and personal spiritual growth. Tim Fuqua, Moore Street community center program director coordinates the tournament; corps officers are Captains Kris and Camie Potter.

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