Cadets recognize the support and encouragement of families and mentors at the Silver Star Banquet.
By Buffy Lincoln
Membership in the Fellowship of the Silver Star grew by 80 on June 8 as the members of the Friends of Christ Session met their parents and mentors for the Silver Star Banquet in the Pasadena (Calif.) Hilton International Ballroom to thank and honor them for their support and prayers. Joining them were General Linda Bond, National Leaders Commissioners William and Nancy Roberts, and Western Territorial Leaders Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs.
Major Mariam Rudd, territorial Fellowship of the Silver Star secretary, welcomed the group and gave a brief history of the fellowship. Major Timothy Foley, training principal at the College for Officer Training at Crestmont, gave the invocation.
After lunch, William Roberts led everyone in singing “Fellowship with Jesus,” and the cadets sang “Lord, I Lift Up Your Name.” James Knaggs then introduced Bond and the visiting leaders.
“Parents are the stars in children’s lives,” Bond said, thanking the guests for being active and purposefully involved in their children’s lives. “The results of your commitments can be seen in this room,” she concluded.
Carolyn Knaggs introduced guest speaker Nancy Roberts, whose words dovetailed with those of Bond. Roberts referenced the biblical account of the childless Hannah’s prayer to God for a son. Hannah promised God that if she could bear a son, she would give that son back to God. Roberts noted that not only is it important for parents to nurture their children, but also to be willing to return them to God for his plans. Calling them “balcony parents,” she explained they should sit close enough to steer and guide, but far enough away to allow God to work.
The cadets individually made their way to tables along each side wall, retrieving Silver Star pins and membership certificates, and letters they had personally written. Back at the tables, they presented the pins and certificates to the guests and read the letters to them.
Carolyn Knaggs offered a prayer of dedication and a cadet ensemble sang “You Know That We Love You.”
During the “White Rose” ceremony, Commissioners Knaggs delivered a white rose to each cadet with a deceased mother or father. A vocal solo by Cadet Cathie McCulley followed, and a group singing of “I Must Have the Savior With Me.” Major Cindy Foley closed with the benediction.