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Never say Di!

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by Terry Camsey, Major –

I have this marvelous poster of Princess Diana that is made up of a collage of smaller pictures. I use it frequently when working with corps. As I hold it up, I ask, “What are the odds of those smaller pictures coming together of their own accord and making such a glorious picture?”

The notion is, of course, ridiculous. If I were a mathematician I could probably work out the odds. I am not, but it would be an incredible coincidence.

Nevertheless, this is, in fact, how the “Vision2000 and Beyond” territorial vision was influenced—from the bottom up! I gained the nickname of “The Great Reductionist” from my department head because of an ability to reconcile all those (over 200) visions from local corps and distill the very essence of what was said. As it happened, most of the comments fell into fairly distinct categories.

The main categories were then shared with a territorial task force whose job was to embrace them in what became the territorial vision.

To be honest, it’s not the way I personally would have done it, but the outside consultant of the day thought it was a good idea, and there was a great desire for the “grass roots” of the Army to have input into development of that vision.

I was very impressed in reading Stephen Covey’s, The Seven habits of Highly Effective People,” wherein he describes a visit to a hotel where the service was exceptional. He spoke with the manager and asked why the service was so good.

The manager said, “Let me show you the mission statement of the hotel chain.” Covey looked at it and said,

“I’ve seen similar in other hotels, but, still, the service is exceptional here. Why is I that?” The manager then shared with him the mission statement of the catering department, the housekeeping department, and all the other departments. Each was based on the hotel chain statement, but clarified what each department would do to make that mission a reality.

I think that he who is highest in an organization sees the furthest and is, therefore in the best position to put in place an overall vision form the future (destination sought), with all the division, sub-divisions, departments, local units, etc. spelling out what they—in their setting and with their resources—will do to make the overall vision a reality.

Looking at this from a biblical perspective we see that in The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19 NKJV), Jesus sets out the task for his disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” He tells us (Matthew 24:14) that the end will not come until the gospel of the kingdom has been preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations.” That’s the task!

In Revelation 7:9 God himself (through John) sets out his vision, “…a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues standing before the throne” and worshiping him. This is the ultimate fulfillment of The Great Commission.

Now, a word to the cadets: As you accept your commission, accept also your co-mission. And, in every appointment until you die, ask what you—with the available resources you have—will do, to make God’s vision a reality in your setting. And don’t stop until the kingdom has been preached in all the world, as a witness to the nations! Make your “picture” a key component of God’s picture!

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