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Nampa Dedicates New Facility

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Cascade Division

Well over 200 soldiers, Advisory Board members, community leaders and friends of the Army attended the recent dedication of the new Nampa, Idaho, corps building and youth center.

Colonels Bill and Gwen Luttrell were special guests for the weekend events, which also included a donor “Thank You” dinner and celebration.

Events included performances by the Nampa Corps worship team, devotion-in-motion team, and youth choir as well as the Treasure Valley Brass, and Northwest Nazarene College’s “Hallelujah Brass.”

The old corps building was demolished last October to clear the site for a new 17,000 sq. ft. facility that includes a 140 seat chapel, full gym/multi-purpose room, game room, commercial kitchen and dining room, day shelter, offices, laundry, showers, computer lab and eight classrooms.

The building was built with funds raised from the “Say Yes to Caring!” capital campaign, from estates, Army funds, and donations of labor and materials from the Snake River Building Contractors Association and the Nampa Association of Realtors. The realtors and builders were co-recipients of the “Others” Award.

“The future is bright,” said Luttrell, “as the corps has planned for the use of their new facility as a means of outreach to the community and to strengthen the spiritual ministry of the corps. ”

As well as being the worship center for the Nampa Corps, the building houses the day shelter/soup kitchen homeless program, the family services offices, and new youth center. The youth center includes after-school recreational and character development programs, plus a homework club and six-station computer lab.

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