Murrieta Corps Opens

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By Brian Pickering –

Lt. Colonel Donald Sather, divisional commander of the Sierra Del Mar Division, recently helped dedicate the Murrieta, Calif., corps, which is under the leadership of Envoys John and Marlene Jones.

“We are very pleased to open the work of The Salvation Army in Murrieta,” said Sather. “There are many people out there who have no idea about our work, and that’s why it’s so important we expand in different communities. We hope in the near future to be owning some land on which we can build a church facility.”

The dedication took place in the chapel of the Perris Adult Rehabilitation Center, as Murrieta doesn’t have a corps facility. Sunday services are held at a nearby elementary school, while all weekly activities are held from the Jones’ quarters.

The Jones report are looking forward to beginning a Home League, Sunbeams, Girl Guards and Boy Scouts in the near future. A weekly women’s Bible study and another Bible study are currently in place.

“We will now become more involved in social services (in Murrieta, Temecula and Lake Elsinore),” John said. “As time goes on, we’ll establish a food pantry.”

Three new local officers were recognized: Major Oscar Youngquist, corps sergeant major, Jack Evans, corps treasurer, and David Folnsbee, recruiting sergeant.

Other Sierra Del Mar dignitaries included: Lt. Colonel Esther Sather, Majors Murray and Deborah Flagg, Captains Michael and Janene Zielinski, and Captain Linda Manhardt.

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