Medford Reopens Shelter Rehab. Center

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Red Ribbon Day







Lt. Colonel Richard Love, Cascade divisional commander, was joined by Medford Mayor Jerry Lausmann, Jackson County Commissioner Sue Kupillas, members of the Advisory Board and numerous others for the public rededication of the former homeless shelter. Patricia Leines, Miss Oregon 1996, sang a dedicatory prayer and helped with the ribbon cutting.

The shelter and the accompanying Medford Adult Rehabilitation Program were closed three years ago as a cost-savings action. Cold weather shelters were reopened for the past two winters, with additional support from the United Way and from special fund-raising appeals.

The program of the Rehab Shelter differs from the previous program in that it allows homeless individuals and families to transition into jobs and permanent housing. Clients are given case counseling, required to develop a savings program, and are assisted by a variety of programs in the community.

Daryl Ogden, program director, was instrumental in developing the program concept and, assisted by the Medford Advisory Board under the leadership of Corps Officer A/Captain Bob Roome and Board Chairman Eldon Johnson, secured the necessary funding.

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