Measurable goals, objectives, action plans identified

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Bond spurs territory to immediate action

New Frontier to publish results of territorial effort by September

God has given us six priorities. I will not spend my time on ten other things.

So stated Commissioner Linda Bond, USA West territorial commander, during a recent address to territorial and divisional leaders.

With the identification of measurable goals, objectives and specific action plans, (see pages 5,6,7,8) territorial and divisional leaders now begin the process of achieving the six priorities within the time frames noted.

Bond has charged New Frontier with responsibility to publish an evaluation of the territory’s progress toward these priorities by September 2003.

All territorial cabinet members, divisional commanders, divisional secretaries, and territorial department heads met recently to hammer out a broad strategy for the achievement of each of the priorities.

“This must be a cooperative effort that involves all of us,” Bond said. “The achievement of these six priorities can not be accomplished by administrative commands. “Orders alone will not achieve the desired results. Leaders will need to help each Army unit take ownership in this effort. What we strive toward are not necessarily new ideas. Many of them have been advocated by soldiers, officers, and employees for many years. Some sound programs need renewal and redesign. Some need to be created. Others may need to be scrapped. Some policies need redefinition or modification in some way. Now we intend to test the validity of these goals and objectives, determine what works and what doesn’t, and find formulas that will aid us achieve our mission.”



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