Mark your calendar for SAROA reunion

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The Salvation Army Retired Officers Association (SAROA) is preparing for its 71st annual reunion, February 28-March 2, 2003, in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Many activities are planned and special guests from the Western Territory will be Territorial Commander Commissioner Linda Bond and Sierra del Mar leaders Lt. Colonels Doug and Diane O’Brien.

SAROA’s membership currently totals 650 retired officers form the U.S. and Canada. The association maintains many projects and each year at Christmas sends gifts to Salvation Army national retired officers. This year they sent a Christmas letter and gift to 580 officers. Each retired overseas officer receives a yearly gift of $30.00. The money for this annual gift comes only from the membership of the SAROA.

Make your plans now to attend this winter’s annual reunion. According to SAROA’s Communication Director Major Charles Olsen, “We always have a great time with some special friends and a wonderful inspirational and fellowship time.”

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