Making it happen

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VisionWe’re on the move. Momentum grows. Enthusiasm expands.

Vision implementation progresses throughout the Territory at an ever increasing pace according to recently completed corps review documents. We’re making it happen, and New Frontier wants to tell how, what, when, where and why.

Now it’s time for continuing action. You have some great ideas to share with others. New Frontier will provide the medium.

Now, corps and other Army units in the Territory are breathing life into their vision statements by making it happen. That breath of life can guarantee new life for spiritually, socially and economically demoralized, despairing, and depressed souls in communities throughout the West.

The Territorial Vision Statement summarizes all corps statements. It becomes the lens to view the West throughout the 21st century. Your individual vision statement becomes the lens to view the Army in your community. If people looked through that lens, what would they see?

Beginning today, New Frontier initiates regular reports on the progress toward implementation of a particular vision statement within a particular Army program. Staff will contact individual corps and units to determine the nature of the vision, the implementation design for the action plan, and the progress toward bringing life to both the vision and the plan. Corps reviews report significant progress toward improved design and increased energy involving many traditional programs as well as the exciting creation of innovative programs pressing forward to meet society’s ever changing and expanding demands on its members.

There are many stories out there about what you are doing — about your vision for the Army of the 21st century — about your hopes and dreams for the future of your corps. New Frontier asks that you bring these directly to the attention of the editor with specific information, names of local program leaders, and pictures of progress. Stories should run between 200 and 500 words in length. All of this may be done either by email or by the postal service. You will find addresses for both in the box next to your mailing address on the back cover page.

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