Major Benia Meyer retires from active service

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by Jennifer Byrd –

Major Benia Meyer (center) with her parents Majors Ben and Diana Meyer [Photo by Roger McCort].

Joining Major Benia Meyer of the Golden State Division at her retirement from active duty as a Salvation Army officer were her parents, Majors Ben and Diana Meyer, who both retired in 1978.

Seventy-five guests attended the retirement luncheon held at the Courtyard Marriott in San Bruno, Calif. Meyer even splurged on a limo to pick up her parents—adding to the unique celebration.

“It is kind of amazing that almost 30 years after they retired, they were both able to attend their daughter’s retirement,” said Meyer. “It was truly special to have them there.”

After Major Joe Posillico, Golden State divisional commander, officiated at Meyer’s retirement ceremony, he handed the retirement certificate to Major Ben Meyer to present to his daughter.

The festivities didn’t end there. At a retirement chapel at Golden State’s divisional headquarters, associates remembered Meyer for her wit—and her ability to do taxes well! She was also elevated to brigadier, causing her to comment, “This makes me upset, because I always think brigadiers are very old.”

Meyer is anything but. After serving 26 years in The Salvation Army, she is ready to take the next step in her life.

Raised in The Salvation Army, Meyer experienced her calling at age 18 during youth councils, but waited to become an officer until after a successful managerial career. At training school in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., she was the oldest cadet.

“It was strange to go back to school after that many years and live in dorms,” said Meyer. “But I became one of the group and enjoyed it very much.”

After being commissioned in 1982 with the God’s Messengers Session, her first appointment was in Arizona. She then spent her career in the Western United States.

Her favorite part of being an officer? “It was counseling,” she said. “I really enjoyed that.”

Meyer is staying in the San Francisco Bay Area to care for her parents—who recently celebrated their 70th anniversary. She continues to work part-time at divisional headquarters in San Francisco in its Human Resources department.

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