Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor

Without even reading a word of New Frontier, I am excited to note the responsive creativity to the times in the re-jigging of the most exciting Army periodical that comes my way! That is not a reflection on what has been, because you do your work so well and thoroughly. This really puts you at the forefront of Army newspaper production. This is exceptional stuff and gives me such pleasure each time the mail arrives with NF.

Whilst the reading on the web is fine, I still like paper in my hand—old traditionalist that I am. The detailed reading of the new format will I am sure confirm the first impression, and you and the team are to be congratulated on the makeover. This sort of stuff inspires my own creativity.

Can’t wait until my evening reading session begins tonight to go cover to cover with the October14 edition.

John Smith
Ballarat, Victoria

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