Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the editor

Cover photo
Thank you for including Captain Joe Thompson as your cover photograph (August 15, 2001) as he participated in the sack race on his scooter with his son Danny pushing from the rear. This was one of many races for families, and Joe decided to enter the sack race with his scooter speed on “tortoise.” Several other officers (older) and soldiers also participated and while Joe was not first he was certainly not last!

You should know that Joe is facing some incredible physical challenges which have resulted in his having to take a medical leave of absence. He is on a kidney and pancreas transplant list, has regular dialysis and as a diabetic has struggled with multiple foot infections. Joe had only been out of the hospital two weeks and was still a very faithful and engaged participant at camp meetings. In the days ahead he faces a potential amputation which resulted in his need for a scooter to attend the camp meetings.

All of the officers and soldiers of the Cascade Division are encouraged by Joe’s strong faith in God and confidence that his future is in his hands. Joe’s indomitable spirit is seen in the determination on his face in that photo. Joe is a winner and we all cheer him on!

Paul R. Seiler, Major
Divisional Commander

Francis Dingman’s story regarding the Holbrook family (July 20, 2001) was simply outstanding Salvation Army history. My parents knew the family well…my Uncle Eric and Aunt Martha Newbould served in Hawaii, as I recall, as the divisional secretary and on the staff when (then) Brigadier French was divisional commander in WWII.

Your research and integration of factual material as published in New Frontier has meant much to me. I hope you can continue to publish such stimulating and historical information.

Robert Bodine
Lt. Colonel

Internet ‘explorer’
I am a long time Salvationist who has just ventured into the Internet. It was really great to look up New Frontier from the listing on the paper itself. Even more information than I’d hoped for.

I especially appreciated Major Terry Camsey’s column about all the medical problems and how Satan is using them against us. That is happening here with my family lately.

Lenora Holmes
Eugene Corps, OR

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