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Letters to the editor

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The questions that I have are: Can those on the “frontlines” hear from God as to where he wants them to minister? Or is it only the Secretary for Personnel and his board of “appointment makers” who hear from God as to where officers should go?

I, personally, like to hear from God…This is one of the main reasons my wife and I stepped out of CFOT after our first year. Can we trust our lives with people we don’t even know? Do the voice of God and the decision of THQ always concur? Having the military structure and appointments is inevitable in the Army. But how about sending a list of appointment openings to the officers so that they can pray about where God may be leading them? Then, after sensing the Holy Spirit’s nudging, the officers could send their request to THQ where territorial leaders could also pray over their request.

Christian Jung
Corps Assistant
TSA Pohnpei, FSM


I read with much interest the story in a recent issue about the Lytton Home for Boys and Girls, (“The Cowboy Colonel,” May 12)…The Lytton Home was at one time run by my uncle and aunt, Heber and Molly Sainsbury. I think the writer, Frances Dingman, did some fine writing on this article.

Dave West
Salem Corps
Salem, Ore

Send your letters to the editor to: New Frontier (letters), 30840 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 or e-mail us at: Safrontier@aol.com
The editor reserves the right to print short excerpts from letters

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