Letters to the Editor |
Welfare Reform
Your article on welfare reform (July 1998) gave me a clear understanding of the SalWORKS program. The article addresses many of the questions I had about welfare reform on the federal, state and county levels. Now I can “see” how Orange County SalWORKS or Opportunities Unlimited fits into this incredible transition in how our country helps the destitute and needy.
Evelyn Mojica
Career Developer
The Salvation Army
If welfare reform has not impacted an Army unit, its doors are not open. Thanks for keeping alive this issue and its impact on program implementations. Mentoring those highly motivated, newly hope-filled individuals in their move from indigence to independence will be the tenacious task of faith-based providers…if welfare reform is to be successful.
Paul E. Bollwahn, ACSW, CSWM
Lt. Colonel
National Social Services Consultant