Letters to the Editor

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Disciples Really Count

I was interested to read in New Frontier (12 February) about the survey and also “Disciples Count.”

Would it be possible for someone to send me a copy of the survey and also some material on Disciples Count? I would be most grateful.

Howard Grottick, Major
Divisional Commander North-Western
United Kingdom

Jean and I do enjoy reading New Frontier and usually pass it along to our c.o. Would it be possible to secure a copy of the Disciples Count Resource notebook mentioned in the Feb. 12 edition?

Gordon Fairbank
Kingston Citadel Corps
Kingston ON, Canada

I have long been keenly interested in, and following, the People Count programme, and find the Disciples Count phase most exciting. Its always good to see so many good things happening in the Kingdom of God–and I am particularly impressed with how the Lord is leading the Army in the West!

I am interested in your Disciples Count resource notebook. Could you tell me how I may obtain a copy?

Lester T. Ferguson, Captain
Corps Officer/Div. Youth Officer
Western Jamaica Division
Caribbean Territory

We have just received your recent edition of the New Frontier, for which we thank you. Each edition is eagerly awaited for the forthright articles and its “newsy” format.

We note with enthusiasm your information on your MISSION2000 program, which is not too dissimilar to our own MOBILIZE2000. This issue has information in the form of a booklet, “Disciples Count Resources Notebook.” If possible could you please send us a copy?

Graeme Rowe, Regional Director
Community Relations Dept.
Gold Coast Region
Australia Eastern Territory

I am an avid reader of New Frontier and a recent issue mentions the Disciples Count resource notebook. Is there any chance of being sent a copy of this exciting resource for use in our corps here? We have 300 soldiers and are an inner city corps.

Errol Carian, Major
Christchurch City Corps
New Zealand

Ed Note: Please contact Captain Donna Ames in the Program Department, Western THQ, for information regarding Disciples Count materials.

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