Letter to the Editor

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Letters to the editor


In the March 6 “On the Corner” column a statement was made concerning the attendance of ARC beneficiaries in corps programs. While New Frontier did not intend to create controversy a number of letters from ARC personnel were received. Space limitation makes full publication of all the letters impossible, but the editor has attempted to assure the essence of the comments was printed.

One of the greatest challenges facing The Salvation Army today is developing and providing ministry links between the Corps and theARC. For years the ARC has searched for ways to integrate beneficiaries into the local Corps programs.

The ARC has as its reputation its success in winning souls to Christ. We have tried to build relationships with Corps to help our people reach their full potential in becoming Disciples of Christ. This type of Kingdom building occurs when all units of the Army join hands and hearts to all who enter our programs seeking help.

People winning people will occur with the continual developing, understanding, and improving of relationships between the Corps and the ARC. The ARC pledges that we will continue to seek ways to strengthen our relationships with the local Corps. However, we must have the support and increased involvement of Corps Officers, soldiery and Divisional Headquarters in the spiritual activities and life of their local ARC.

If there is any policy, attitude, or action that prevents the Army from working together for the honor and glory of God and the building of the Army, let’s identify it and find ways to resolve it. Please join with us as we win the world for Jesus.

Daniel Starrett
Lt. Colonel
ARC Command

I consider it a privilege to be the Administrator of an Adult Rehabilitation Center. Under one cross and shield, men and women capture fresh hope for a life of recovery that is founded on a personal, transforming, saving “Higher Power” who bears the name Jesus. There is no greater privilege than to be part of such a ministry.

Check out what is happening at your Adult Rehabilitation Center, ARC Corps or Harbor Light and be “compelled to wonder” no more.

Douglas L. Williams, Major
Administrator San Diego, CA

I find that I am compelled to write in response to an erroneous statement made in the recent issue of New Frontier (March 6, 2001). In the column entitled “On the Corner,” Robert Docter raises some valid issues which all those within the ranks of The Salvation Army should ponder, especially in respect to the “new” political climate. However, the statement “…the Adult Rehabilitation Command prohibits any program of required introduction of the corps program to its beneficiaries…” is inaccurate and unfounded.

The ARC Commander, at least since my commissioning in 1992, has given individual Administrators wide latitude in regard to each center’s participation in additional/supplemental spiritual based programing.

In each of the communities in which we served that had an ARC, the Corps had an excellent relationship with the Center, and visa versa. I will interject a caveat by saying that as with any healthy relationship, a basis of continuing development and neuturing needs to be taking place.

As officers presently undertaking an extensive training process in te ARCC, my wife and I have at no time heard of a “prohibition” on Corps involvement. Just the opposite. We have been told on several occasions by our leadership to develop the relationship with Corps at our appointments.

We are one Army, but we are working on the shores of different ponds. I am sure that given the opportunity, you would be welcome to visit our pond, participate in its ministry and be blessed. Improvement? All of the Army programs continue to be improved and refined. Sanctification of a program, as with people, is a process, and we need to keep working toward that end.

Respectfully submitted,
Stephen E. Arnold, Captain
ARCC Administrator
Development Program


I would like to thank Lt. Amanda Reardon for her article, “Direct Messages from God” (January 26, 2001). I just hope and pray that the choice I make (regarding a car purchase and corps involvement) will be the right choice.

Paulina Phillips
Sitka, AK

Send your letters to the editor to: New Frontier (letters), P.O. Box 22646, Long Beach, CA 90802-9998 or e-mail us at: Safrontier@aol.com
The editor reserves the right to print short excerpts from letters.

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