Largest Enrollment of Soldiers in Army History!

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The Great Victory Congress

One of the highlights of Congress weekend will be the enrollment by General and Mrs. Paul A. Rader of 2,400 new senior and junior soldiers. It will be one of the largest enrollments in Salvation Army history, and enrollees need to know how it will be accomplished!

Individuals who are planning to be enrolled should come to the Junior Ballroom of the Convention Center on Friday, June 6th, to sign their covenants and pledges according to the schedule in the column to the left.

Enrollees from the Southern California Division will also be able to complete their pre-enrollment duties prior to the Congress Congress Hall on May 30th.

As far as possible, enrollees should be in full Salvation Army uniform and come to the Junior Ballroom in groups with their corps officers or ARC Administrator. Digital group photographs will be taken after the enrollees have signed the documents and prayed with their officers. These photographs will then be presented to the enrollees that evening after the Victory Rally.

Finally, special seating will be reserved for enrollees on the floor of the Arena. Enrollees should ask the ushers where they will need to sit in order to take part in the ceremony.

The enrollment of a soldier has significance for the Kingdom of God, the worldwide Army, and the local corps, and this enrollment ceremony will highlight all three. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call divisional headquarters or the Congress office as soon as possible!

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